All Saints' Day: Seven Quotes from the Saints on Sanctity

1. Do not be afraid to be holy! Have the courage and humility to present yourselves to the world determined to be holy, since full, true freedom is born from holiness."
-- St.John Paul II, World Youth Day, Santiago, Spain, 1989

2.  “Holiness does not consist in doing extraordinary things. It consists in accepting, with a smile, what Jesus sends us. It consists in accepting and following the will of God.”
 -- Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta, Mother Teresa: In My Own Words, 1

3,  "Sanctity consists in struggling, in knowing that we have defects and in heroically trying to overcome them. Sanctity, I insist, consists in overcoming those defects - although we will still have defects when we die; for if not, as I have told you, we would become proud."
-- St. Josemaria Escriva The Forge, 312

4. "All the science of the saints is included in these two things: To do, and to suffer. And whoever had done these two things best, has made himself most saintly."
-- St. Francis de Sales

5. "Holiness does not consist in one exercise or another, but is a disposition of the heart, which renders us humble and little in the hands of God, conscious of our weakness, and confident, even daringly confident, in His fatherly goodness."
-- St.Thérèse of Lisieux, Spirit of St. Therese, compiled by the Carmelites of Lisieux (Burns and Oates), 179.

6. "‘Great’ holiness consists in carrying out the ‘little duties’ of each moment." -- St. Josemaria Escriva, The Way, 817

7. "The blood of Christ reveals God’s gracious will, which neither wants nor seeks anything but that we be made holy. Whatever he gives or permits is given out of love so that we may be made holy in him.  This is how the truth is fulfilled."
-- St. Catherine of Siena


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