Novena to Pope St. John Paul II begins today

Pray this prayer for nine consecutive days.


O Blessed Trinity, we thank you
For having graced the Church with
Saint John Paul II and for allowing
The tenderness of your fatherly care,
The glory of the Cross of Christ
And the splendor of the Spirit of love
To shine through him.

Trusting fully in your infinite mercy
And in the maternal intercession of Mary,
He has given us a living image of
Jesus the Good Shepherd.

He has shown us that holiness
Is the necessary measure of ordinary
Christian life and is the way of
Achieving eternal communion with you.

Grant us, by his intercession,
And according to your will,
The graces we implore,
Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

If you do not have a specific intention to pray for, please join in praying this prayer for Brittany, a 29-year-old newlywed  who has terminal brain cancer and plans to utilize the die with dignity” law in Oregon to end her life on November 1. I have been reading about this young woman and have been praying for her. It is a sad situation. Suffering is never easy and it is not pleasant. This young woman needs our prayers for the strength to cope with her sufferings and to unite  them to Our Lord and Savior's sufferings on the Cross, for noble purposes.  This is what our dear Pope St. John Paul II did. Let us pray that she, too, will surrender her suffering to God and let Him make the decision as to when she will enter the next life.

Learn more HERE.

A wise priest once said: "Suffering without Jesus just hurts. Suffering with Jesus redeems the world."


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